Building on an existing successful relationship with the City of Waterville, Maine, Gorrill Palmer has received a signed contract from the City to perform a planning level feasibility analysis and cost estimate assessment for future transportation improvements at the Spring Street, Main Street and Water Street intersection. The project is funded through a Planning Partnership Initiative between the City of Waterville and MaineDOT.
Gorrill Palmer’s previous work on Waterville’s Trafton Interchange Project established a strong and positive rapport with the City. Subsequent expansion of Gorrill Palmer’s Transportation Group, including the hiring of Don Ettinger, Vice President and Group Director has further increased our competitiveness in the marketplace as we are able to offer more extensive design services to our clients. This combination of Gorrill Palmer’s historical strengths in traffic analysis with an expanded core of roadway design services has significantly improved our overall Transportation Services Qualifications, as demonstrated through this selection. We acknowledge the efforts of everyone on our team involved in the preparation of this proposal and look forward to continuing to serve the City of Waterville.