Exit 5 Improvements at Thompson’s Point – Portland, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed the design and development of construction documents for transportation off-site improvements related to the redevelopment of Thompson’s Point, from a semi-vacant industrial site into a multi-modal, mixed-use center including event facilities, hotels, retail and office space. The project involved close coordination with numerous stakeholders including MaineDOT, City of Portland, Forefront Partners, Pan Am Railways, Concord Coach Lines and Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA).
The scope of work included reconstruction and widening of Thompson’s Point Road, widening of Exit 5A and 5B off-ramps from I-295 Southbound, construction of a multi-use path along Thompson’s Point Road with connections to the Fore River Parkway Path, sidewalk improvements on Sewall Street, Congress Street and Park Ave, modifications and pedestrian improvements to numerous signalized intersections, and traffic calming improvements in the Rosemont and Libbytown neighborhoods.
The design work included development of construction plans, technical specifications, project quantities and construction cost estimates. Work also included development of right-of-way plans for the Sewall Street portion of the project.
Client: MaineDOT
Services Provided:
• Traffic Analysis & Permitting
• Roadway Design
• Bicycle, Pedestrian & Transit Facilities Design
• Signal Design
• Lighting Design
• Traffic Calming Design
• Right of Way Services
• Stormwater Design
Route 4 / 17 Improvements – Jay, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed the preliminary and final design services for this roadway reconstruction project. The goal of the project was to rebuild the road base and pavement section, provide new roadway curbing and drainage and provide a balance for servicing all users including vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists. This project focused on providing for adequate travel lanes for vehicles, shoulders with bicyclists and a sidewalk for pedestrians. Work included rectangular rapid flashing beacon systems for a midblock pedestrian crosswalk near the Spruce Mountain High School.
Work also included design of retaining walls, major drainage improvements and driveway designs for many properties with grade challenges. Design of guardrail and development of final bid documents, including construction plans, quantities, construction cost estimates as well as the development of technical specifications were included in the project.
Client: MaineDOT
Services Provided:
• Roadway Design
• Intersection Design
• Pedestrian Facility Design
• Retaining Wall Design
• Drainage Design
• Driveway Design Black Point Road Sidewalk Improvements – Scarborough, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed the design and development of construction documents for pedestrian related improvements along Black Point Road in Scarborough, Maine from the Route 1 intersection to the Eastern Trails Crossing. The work included construction of a new 6’ wide concrete sidewalk with slip form concrete curbing for the project limits. Driveway design and accommodation for residential mailboxes were incorporated into the project.
Work included roadway and intersection improvements including curbing, signing and striping modifications. Construction of a new multi-use trail crossing of Black Point Road at the Eastern Trails location included the installation of rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) with overhead street lighting with a multi-colored paver surface treatment on the Eastern Trails approach. Landscaping was provided for the project limits with special attention given at the Eastern Trails Crossing.
The design work included development of construction plans, specifications, quantities and cost estimates. Gorrill Palmer also led in the administration and oversight of the bidding process.
Client: Town of Scarborough, Maine
Services Provided:
• Pedestrian Facility Design
• Roadway and Intersection Design
• Multimodal Crossing Design with RRFB
• Lighting Design
• Landscaping Design
• Utility Coordination
• Right of Way Services
• Construction Observations
Union Street Bridge & Intersection Improvements – Bangor, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed the preliminary and final design services for the roadway and intersection improvements associated with this bridge project in Bangor, Maine. This project included the Union Street bridge replacement over Interstate 95 as well as I95 ramp improvements, minor interstate improvements, Union Street roadway improvements and intersection signal improvements.
Work included widening of the Union Street bridge to provide additional vehicular capacity through the corridor. Signalized intersections on both approaches to the bridge were upgraded, interconnected and designed to improve traffic flows.
Work also included staged construction of the bridge and the temporary shutdown of the signals on the approaches. Left turn movements were eliminated from the construction zone and detours were provided in the surrounding area.
Client: Becker Structural Engineers and MaineDOT
Services Provided:
• Roadway Design
• Intersection Design
• Signal Design
• Traffic Control and Detour Design
• Pedestrian Facility Design
• Interstate Ramp Design
• Guardrail and Drainage Design Legrow Road & Route 100 Intersection Improvements – Gray, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed the design and development of construction documents for intersection improvements of Legrow Road with Route 100 in Gray, Maine. Work included the elimination of two sharp angled intersections with Route 100 and the construction of a new roadway connecting Foster Hill Road with Route 100, along with the shoulder widening along both sides of Lewiston Road.
Work involved roadway design including development of horizontal and vertical alignments, typical sections and cross sections. Intersection design included layout based on truck turning movements, signing and striping. Guardrail design was proposed on all legs of the project in an effort to minimize environmental and property impacts. Gorrill Palmer also provided construction observations for this project.
Client: Town of Gray, Maine
Services Provided:
• Roadway Design
• Intersection Design
• Signing and Striping Design
• Guardrail & Drainage Design
• Lighting Design
• Utility Coordination
• Construction Observations
The Forks Recreational Trail Improvements – The Forks, Maine
This trail, which generally runs parallel and adjacent to the Kennebec River in the Forks and along the Dead River in the West Forks Plantation, provides for a great biking and walking experience in one of the most scenic spots in Maine. Gorrill Palmer provided design services for this project while working closely with the MaineDOT. The overall length of this trail project is approximately 6 miles and covers two separate trail segments that provide different and unique experiences. The Forks segment is a more rugged and challenging course with steeper hills and grades to navigate while the West Forks segment is a flatter, smoother and less challenging course providing for a more relaxing experience. The design and construction of the trail, which varies from 8’ to 12’ in width, involved clearing, grubbing, drainage improvements, preparation of a gravel base and placement of a 2” crushed stone surface. Fencing was proposed along the trail in areas where steep side grades were present and the project included construction of a trail head parking lot, sized for ten parking spaces, for the West Forks trail.
Services Provided:
• Bicycle Trail Design
• Pedestrian Trail Design
• Fencing Design
• Drainage Design
Webster Avenue Bridge & Trail Improvements– Bangor, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed the preliminary and final design services for the roadway, trail and utility improvements associated with this bridge replacement project in Bangor, Maine. This project included the Interstate 395 bridge replacement over Webster Avenue with a precast concrete box unit. Work included roadway improvements to I-395, trail improvements to Webster Ave and the replacement of the existing sewer main within the project limits.
Unique to this project, construction was staged in a manner to allow for a complete shutdown on I-395 over a 4-day period to facilitate the existing bridge removal and replacement with a precast box structure. Detour plans were developed to accommodate traffic during the shutdown period.
Client: Becker Structural, MaineDOT, City of Bangor
Services Provided:
• Trail Design
• Interstate Design
• Utility Design
• Traffic Control and Detour Design
• Pedestrian Facility Design
• Guardrail and Drainage Design Forest Ave & I295 Ramp Improvements – Portland, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed the design and development of construction documents for a complete streets improvement project along Forest Avenue in Portland, Maine. The work included reconfiguration of the I-295 ramp intersections with Forest Avenue to improve safety and to provide better accommodations for all modes of traffic including bicycles and pedestrians. Adjustments to the roadway striping including narrowing of the travel lanes to accommodate wider shoulders for bicycles was incorporated into the project.
Multi-use paths separated from the roadway with grass esplanades were provided on both sides of the road for the 0.4 mile project limits. In addition to the multi-use paths, striped bicycle lanes with landscaping and pedestrian scale lighting was included in the project. ADA complaint curb ramps with crosswalks including rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) were proposed at the ramp crossings.
The design work included development of construction plans, specifications, quantities and cost estimates.
Services Provided:
• Roadway & Intersection Design
• Bicycle Facility Design
• Pedestrian Facility Design
• Lighting Design
• Signing and Striping Design
• Drainage Design
Route 121 Bridge Replacement over Little Androscoggin River– Oxford, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed the design and development of construction documents for the roadway and intersection approaches to the Route 121 (King Street) Bridge Replacement project, located over the Little Androscoggin River in Oxford, Maine. The work included all design aspects relating to the roadway approaches and included the reconfiguration of the King Street and Pleasant Street intersection located just south of the bridge. Work also included realignment of Route 121 so that the new bridge could be constructed upstream of the existing bridge. Gorrill Palmer worked closely with Becker Structural Engineers on this assignment who was responsible for the bridge design.
In addition to the design of the roadways and intersection, Gorrill Palmer determined the final grading limits as well as assessed and designed the drainage, guardrail and numerous driveways. A new signing package was developed to address the traffic pattern change at the King street and Pleasant Street intersection.
The design work included development of construction plans, specifications, quantities and cost estimates, for the roadway approaches.
Client: Becker Structural & MAINE DOT
Services Provided:
• Roadway Design
• Intersection Design
• Traffic Analysis
• Signing and Striping Design
• Drainage Design
• Guardrail Design
Park Avenue Improvements (School to Lake Street)– Auburn, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed the preliminary and final design services for this portion of the corridor wide Park Ave complete streets improvements project. This project begins at the Park Ave Elementary School and extends to the Lake Street intersection. The goal of the project was to rebuild the road base and pavement section, provide new roadway curbing and drainage and provide a balance for servicing all users including vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists. This project focused on providing for adequate travel lanes for vehicles, shoulders for bicyclists and a sidewalk for pedestrians.
Work included RRFB installation at the elementary school intersection. Work also involved development of final construction documents including the plan set, quantities, construction estimates as well as the development of the bid book.
Client: City of Auburn
Services Provided:
• Roadway Design
• Intersection Design
• Pedestrian Facility Design
• Drainage Design
• Utility Coordination
• Right of Way Mapping Cumberland Avenue Sidewalk Improvements– Portland, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed preliminary and final design services for the City of Portland on sidewalk improvements along Cumberland Avenue in the heart of the City. The existing brick sidewalks were not ADA compliant, had exceeded their life span and suffered the effects of root damage from adjacent mature trees along the corridor.
Work included design of new pedestrian sidewalk facilities along a 1,100 feet section of Cumberland Ave from the Mechanic Street intersection to the Preble Street intersection. The design included providing for ADA compliant sidewalks, ramps, and crosswalks in the urban environment. In many cases, the back of the proposed sidewalk abutted existing building foundations, doorways and stairs, requiring creativity in designing an ADA compliant pedestrian facility.
Detectable warning fields were provided at crosswalk landing areas. Curb extensions were provided at intersections to reduce pedestrian crossing distances, reduce vehicular speeds and improve overall safety. Intersection layouts were designed for truck turning movements. Improvements to on-street parking, drainage and utilities as well as pedestrian scale lighting and landscaped esplanades were incorporated into the project.
Client: City of Portland
Services Provided:
• Pedestrian Facility Design
• Curb Extensions
• Intersection Design
• Lighting Design
• On-Street Parking
• Drainage & Utilities Park Ave Improvements – Auburn, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed the Park Ave Transportation Corridor Study which provided recommendations for multi-modal improvements along Park Ave, located in Auburn Maine, from the Court Street to Mt Auburn Ave intersections. This two (2) mile long corridor services residential neighborhoods, commercial businesses and an elementary school, as well as serves as a link to connect major roadways in the Auburn Mall area. In addition to completing the planning effort, Gorrill Palmer provided final design and development of construction documents for three phases of this project, including the segments from Court Street to Lake Street as well as Summer Street to Mt Auburn Ave.
Work included full depth roadway reconstruction with 5’ wide paved shoulders for bicycle accommodations, vertical granite curbing, esplanades and paved sidewalks/side paths, resulting in a “complete streets” enhancement. Portions of the project included a new multi-use side path with landscaping and pedestrian scale lighting. Work also included the installation of rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) for the pedestrian crossing at the Elementary School. The construction of a new retaining wall near Vista Drive was required to reduce environmental impacts.
The design work included development of construction plans, specifications, quantities and cost estimates. Gorrill Palmer also completed the environmental permitting, utility coordination and the development of the proposed right of way maps.
Client: City of Auburn, Maine
Services Provided:
• Corridor Planning Study
• Roadway and Intersection Design
• Pedestrian Facility Design
• Environmental Permitting
• Lighting & Landscape Design
• Drainage Design
• Utility Coordination
• Right of Way Mapping
• Construction Observations
Franklin Street Feasibility Study Phase II – Portland, Maine
Gorrill Palmer teamed with IBI Group to complete a planning level feasibility study and preliminary design for the Franklin Street Corridor, located in Portland Maine. The limits of this feasibility study extended from Commercial Street to the I-295 Interchange, for a total length of 0.7 miles. This highly congested minor arterial roadway serves as one of the main access corridors into the heart of the City. The purpose of the study is to reconnect adjacent neighborhoods by providing improved access while increasing alternative transportation modes such as pedestrian, bicycle and transit, all while maintaining the required vehicular level of service within the corridor.
Gorrill Palmer responsibilities on the study included review of traffic data, existing conditions traffic and operational analysis, future conditions traffic analysis, development of conceptual alternatives, traffic analysis and modeling for conceptual alternatives, development of construction cost estimates and assistance with development of study reports. The Feasibility Study is complete and Gorrill Palmer is currently developing the preliminary design for the preferred alternative. Work includes development of preliminary plans for the entire project corridor and development of a Preliminary Design Report for a portion of the project.
Client: IBI Group and City of Portland, Maine
Services Provided:
• Transportation Corridor Planning
• Traffic Analysis & Modeling
• Roadway and Intersection Design
• Pedestrian, Bicycle and Transit Facility Design
• Drainage Design
• Utility Coordination Trenton Intersection – Trenton, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed preliminary and final design services for intersection geometric and signal improvements to the Route 3 and Route 204 intersection in Trenton. Route 3 is a busy corridor between Bangor and Bar Harbor that passes through Trenton. This existing unsignalized intersection with Route 204 met the warrants for a new signal installation.
Work included roadway widening and reconstruction to accommodate turn lanes on Route 3 as well as geometric improvements for truck turning movements at the intersection. Access management was provided at nearby businesses and curbing and closed drainage were provided in select locations to minimize property impacts.
Client: Maine DOT
Services Provided:
• Intersection Design
• Signal Design
• Roadway Design
• Access Management
• Drainage Design Trafton Road Interchange – Waterville & Sydney, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed the planning level assessment, alternative analysis and conceptual design for a new interchange connecting Trafton Road with Interstate 95 in Sidney and Waterville, Maine. This project included assessment of multiple interchange configuration options, assessment of existing bridge and roadway impacts and ultimately a partial cloverleaf interchange configuration was selected.
Work included assessment of environmental impacts, preliminary drainage analysis and development of conceptual plans, quantities and cost estimates. The preliminary and final design services for this project were completed by others.
Work also included preparation of documents and applications for requesting and securing EDA funding for this project.
Client: Trafton Properties
Services Provided:
• Planning Level Study
• Alternative Analysis
• Environmental Assessment
• Drainage Assessment
• Interchange Conceptual Design
• Cost estimates
• EDA Grant Assistance Civic Center Drive – Augusta, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed preliminary and final design services for roadway and intersection improvements along Civic Center Drive in Augusta. Work involved intersection and safety improvements along Civic Center Drive to provide mitigation for several high crash locations.
Work included the reconfiguration and reconstruction of the I-95 southbound off ramp, restriping of Civic Center Drive, access management and the installation of a proposed signal system at the Darin Drive intersection. Pedestrian accommodations were included at the Darin Drive intersection. Work also included public outreach, development of concept plans, development of preliminary plans with cost estimates, utility coordination and development of final construction documents including plans, quantities, estimate and technical specifications.
Client: Maine DOT
Services Provided:
• Intersection Design
• Signal Design
• Ramp Design
• Roadway Design
• Access Management
• Pedestrian Facility Design
• Parking Lot Design Forest Ave & I295 Ramp Improvements – Portland, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed the design and development of construction documents for a complete streets improvement project along Forest Avenue in Portland, Maine. The work included reconfiguration of the I-295 ramp intersections with Forest Avenue to improve safety and to provide better accommodations for all modes of traffic including bicycles and pedestrians. Adjustments to the roadway striping including narrowing of the travel lanes to accommodate wider shoulders for bicycles was incorporated into the project.
Multi-use paths separated from the roadway with grass esplanades were provided on both sides of the road for the 0.4 mile project limits. In addition to the multi-use paths, striped bicycle lanes with landscaping and pedestrian scale lighting was included in the project. ADA complaint curb ramps with crosswalks including rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) were proposed at the ramp crossings.
The design work included development of construction plans, specifications, quantities and cost estimates.
Services Provided:
• Roadway & Intersection Design
• Bicycle Facility Design
• Pedestrian Facility Design
• Lighting Design
• Signing and Striping Design
• Drainage Design
Rt. 1 Corridor Study – Yarmouth, Maine
This Rt. 1 Corridor Study was the last in a series of three that focused on the
southern most portion of Rt. 1 in Yarmouth. Similar to other major routes
through a busy community, this section of Rt. 1 had capacity, safety, pedestrian
and bicycle challenges. Gorrill Palmer completed a full evaluation of the corridor,
including land use forecasting, traffic modeling, access management review,
and capacity and safety analysis. The result was a series of recommendations
for short term, mid-range and long term mitigation to address identified
Client: Town of Yarmouth
Services Provided:
• Data collection
• Capacity analysis
• Safety analysis
• Access management evaluation
• Pedestrian and Bicycle
• Conceptual designs
• Identification of short and long term mitigation
• Opinions of cost Rt. 112 Corridor Study – Saco, Maine
Route 112, or North Street / Buxton Road, is a major east-west corridor providing
a connection from downtown Saco to the Buxton area. This roadway, while
historically rural in nature, has experienced significant residential growth in
the past few decades. Gorrill Palmer completed a Corridor Study to identify existing and potential future deficiencies. The study resulted in recommended
mitigation. Since the completion of that study, the City has implemented many
of the short term recommendations such as: increasing radii, constructing
separate left and right turn lanes at key locations, constructing a slip lane and
numerous restriping of areas. The purpose of this update was to reassess the
corridor with the implemented improvements and current and future traffic
volumes and update the recommendations.
Client: City of Saco
Services Provided:
• Data collection
• Capacity analysis
• Safety analysis
• Access management evaluation
• Pedestrian and Bicycle evaluation
• Signal Warrant analysis
• Conceptual designs
• Short term, long term, monitoring recommendations Spring Street Intersection– Waterville, Maine
Gorrill Palmer provided a traffic assessment and preliminary design services for
improvements to the Spring Street Intersection project located in the heart of
downtown Waterville. Located adjacent to Main Street, the Hathaway Creative
Center and the Waterville-Winslow Bridge, this intersection serves as a gateway
to the City, provides for a major connection to existing and future commercial
development opportunities and has a history worth showcasing in a soon to
be revitalized downtown.
Client: City of Waterville
Services Provided:
• Traffic Analysis
• Traffic Modeling
• Intersection Design
• Bicycle Facility Design
• Pedestrian Facility Design
• Cost Estimating
• Evaluation Matrix Waterville Downtown Study– Waterville, Maine
The City, as part of its revitalization efforts, is stepping back to identify what in
the downtown is working from a vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle perspective and
what could be improved on. As part of that review and effort, the Gorrill Palmer
team was contracted to collect data from numerous sources and fill in areas
of missing data, create a computer model of the entire downtown roadway
network, forecast additional traffic for unutilized or under utilized properties in
the area and add them to the roadway network, determine levels of service for
the intersections, complete a safety review and evaluation, design numerous
alternatives to address multiple stakeholder (City, Colby College, Maine DOT)
needs and desires and summarize and recommend a preferred alternative or
sets of alternatives.
Client: City of Waterville
Services Provided:
• Traffic Analysis
• Safety Analysis
• Traffic Modeling
• Intersection Design
• Pedestrian and Bicycle Evaluation
• Cost Estimating
• Evaluation Matrix City of Biddeford/Saco Mills– Biddeford/Saco, Maine
The Cities of Biddeford and Saco, Maine have had success in revitalizing their
Mill buildings which are prominent in their respective downtowns. With
the continued redevelopment of these historic structures with mixed uses
including manufacturing, retail, housing and student housing, the Cities
realized the need to complete a comprehensive study of their infrastructure
needs within the downtown as well as the need to development a realistic and
equitable impact fee structure.)
The Cities if Biddeford and Saco jointly retained Gorrill Palmer to complete the
study through the Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation Committee
Client: City of Biddeford and Saco
Services Provided:
• Planning Study
• Future Traffic Forecast
• Infrastructure Recommendations
• Conceptual Design
• Impact Fee Determination Bates College Parking Study– Lewiston, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed a comprehensive parking study for Bates
College in Lewiston, Maine. The purpose of the study was to evaluate parking supply and demand, to assess the adequacy of the current system and to
make recommendations, as needed, to manage parking demand so the existing
system functions efficiently and effectively into the future. Using the supply and demand inventories, we worked closely with the college to develop a Transportation and Parking Demand Management (TDM) Plan.
Client: Bates College
Services Provided:
• Parking Analysis
• Transportation and Parking Demand Exit 5 Improvements at Thompson’s Point – Portland, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed the design and development of construction documents for transportation off-site improvements related to the redevelopment of Thompson’s Point, from a semi-vacant industrial site into a multi-modal, mixed-use center including event facilities, hotels, retail and office space. The project involved close coordination with numerous stakeholders including MaineDOT, City of Portland, Forefront Partners, Pan Am Railways, Concord Coach Lines and Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA).
The scope of work included reconstruction and widening of Thompson’s Point Road, widening of Exit 5A and 5B off-ramps from I-295 Southbound, construction of a multi-use path along Thompson’s Point Road with connections to the Fore River Parkway Path, sidewalk improvements on Sewall Street, Congress Street and Park Ave, modifications and pedestrian improvements to numerous signalized intersections, and traffic calming improvements in the Rosemont and Libbytown neighborhoods.
The design work included development of construction plans, technical specifications, project quantities and construction cost estimates. Work also included development of right-of-way plans for the Sewall Street portion of the project.
Client: MaineDOT
Services Provided:
• Traffic Analysis & Permitting
• Roadway Design
• Bicycle, Pedestrian & Transit Facilities Design
• Signal Design
• Lighting Design
• Traffic Calming Design
• Right of Way Services
• Stormwater Design