The Downs - Scarborough, Maine
Community design, master planning and overall engineering, permitting and project management for a 500-acre mixed-use planned community.
Gorrill Palmer is the lead consultant on the master planning, design, engineering, and permitting for a 500-acre mixed use developmentat the existing Scarborough Downs racetrack in Southern Maine. This mixed-use planned community includes a wide range of phases with mixed residential, commercial, light industrial and recreational amenities,including a proposed mixed-use center designed at the core of the project.
The project’s size, the mix of uses, and the opportunity for placemaking and positive impact is unparalleled in the State of Maine.The design and permitting needs of the project include zoning and master planning approvals, local subdivision and site plan reviews,Site Location of Developmentand Natural Resource Permitting through the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and Army Corps of Engineers, and Traffic Movement Permitting from the Maine Department of Transportation.
Shipyard Brewing Mixed-Use Redevelopment - Portland, Maine
Repurposing of an existing industrial property for a new mixed-use infill and urban redevelopment project.
Approvals required for the project included a Level III Site Plan Approval, Subdivision Approval, Zoning Variance Approval along with Utility and Drainage permitting. Site Plan Approval required approval of seven code waivers in order to support the vision for compact urban design. Gorrill Palmer also prepared landscape and hardscape designs for a proposed public space to assist the architectural team in order to gain support from the City’s Historic Preservation Board.
The urban location and historic use as an industrial property required that design considerations for environmental conditions be provided. Specifically, the presence of contaminated soil and groundwater required extensive design coordination to ensure compliance with state regulations and permit conditions.
The Cliff House - Cape Neddick, Maine
The Cliff House is a resort sitting on the edge of Bald Head Cliff that has been welcoming guests since 1872. The redevelopment required incorporation of existing structures which had significant historical sentiment along with respecting the residential abutters and proximity to the ocean. Gorrill Palmer prepared the Site Design and traffic study to lead the permitting effort for the 70 acre property.
Two buildings were renovated extensively and a 22,000 sf expansion is currently under way. The site underwent major upgrades including the addition of event lawns, swimming pools, walkways and trails. The resort’s access drive serves abutting residential properties as well. Therefore, access drive improvements included one way drives and cobble pavers to provide an improved residential experience. The completed facility included a signature entrance to provide a sense of arrival and porte cochere for guest drop off. As a popular summer resort, construction phasing had to respect the operation during the summer months.
Permitting for the project included local Site Plan Revision, Maine Department of Environmental Protection Site Location of Development Act Permit Revision and the Natural Resource Protection Act Permit.
When construction is complete, the 225 room luxury resort will be considered one of the most captivating coastal resorts of its kind.
Client: The Cliff House
Services Provided:
• Land Development Design
• Local and State Permitting
• Utility Design
• Stormwater Design
• Grading and Drainage Design
• Construction Observations
• Traffic Analysis Biddeford Crossing - Biddeford Maine
Gorrill Palmer prepared the design and permit applications for the development of this 525,000 s.f. power center. The project consisted of approximately 28 separate spaces ranging in size from 5,000 s.f. to 165,000 s.f. The original tenants included Lowe’s, Target, Petsmart, Staples, TJ Maxx, Linens’n’Things, Biddeford Saco Savings, Olive Garden, Panera, TGI Fridays and Chili’s. Opened in the fall of 2006, this facility provided a new regional shopping opportunity for the residents of York County.
Opened prior to the recession, the property experienced turnover in tenants similar to other facilities across the northeast, including a decision by Lowe’s to close their store. Gorrill Palmer provided design and permitting services to Market Basket for the redevelopment of the Lowe’s space into a facility for their use, as well as an additional 17,000 sf of tenant space. With a store opening late in 2013, Market Basket has provided new opportunities for shoppers in this area, which has benefitted other tenants.
Client: New England Development and RMD Development
Services Provided:
• Land Development Design
• Traffic Analysis
• Utility Design
• Stormwater Design
• Highway Design
• Signal Design
• Permitting
• Construction Observations
Lynnhaven Mall Phase 2 - Virginia Beach, Virginia
As part of the “refresh” to the existing 1.16 million sf Lynnhaven Mall, Gorrill Palmer prepared the design and permit applications for a Phase 1 food court/restroom expansion and the Phase 2 redevelopment of the Lord and Taylor retail space to add a Lifestyle Component for the former department store.
The second phase of redevelopment included demolition of a 120,000 sf former anchor tenant and the construction of 20,000 sf of retail space and 14,500 sf of restaurant space. An additional 17,060 sf of restaurant space was constructed on two outparcels along the updated mall entrance drive. Utility extensions and relocations were necessary to allow the new construction. Three bioretention cells, to treat stormwater and conform to the newly enacted Virginia Stormwater Management Rules, were designed in close coordination with the Project’s Landscape Architect.
Client: General Growth Properties
Services Provided:
• Site Design
• Stormwater Quantity Control Design
• Stormwater Quality Control
• Stormwater Design
• Low Impact Development Design
• Grading and Drainage Design
• Utility Design
• Local and State Permitting
• Construction Observations Lynnhaven Mall Phase 2 - Virginia Beach, Virginia
As part of the “refresh” to the existing 1.16 million sf Lynnhaven Mall, Gorrill Palmer prepared the design and permit applications for a Phase 1 food court/restroom expansion and the Phase 2 redevelopment of the Lord and Taylor retail space to add a Lifestyle Component for the former department store.
The second phase of redevelopment included demolition of a 120,000 sf former anchor tenant and the construction of 20,000 sf of retail space and 14,500 sf of restaurant space. An additional 17,060 sf of restaurant space was constructed on two outparcels along the updated mall entrance drive. Utility extensions and relocations were necessary to allow the new construction. Three bioretention cells, to treat stormwater and conform to the newly enacted Virginia Stormwater Management Rules, were designed in close coordination with the Project’s Landscape Architect.
Client: General Growth Properties
Services Provided:
• Site Design
• Stormwater Quantity Control Design
• Stormwater Quality Control
• Stormwater Design
• Low Impact Development Design
• Grading and Drainage Design
• Utility Design
• Local and State Permitting
• Construction Observations Augusta Crossing - Augusta Maine
Gorrill-Palmer Consulting Engineers Inc. completed the permitting and construction documents for this 460,000 s.f. retail development. Anchored by Lowe’s and Target, the project also serves to enhance the retail experience in Augusta by the addition of Staples, Pet Smart, Best Buy and A.C. Moore. The location of the project at Exit 109 has served to revitalize this area resulting in additional development since the project was approved and construction started. Developed in three plateaus, the project includes retaining walls up to 60 feet in height.
Traffic improvements for the project included designating Senator Way (formerly Storey Street) as a one-way entrance to the Project Site as well as two adjacent commercial uses. An interconnecting site road provides access to the three distinct development pods as well as to Capitol Street Extension. Incorporation of a new signalized drive on Western Avenue serves as the site exit. The on-site intersection with Senator Way is interconnected to the Western Avenue signal system.
Seen as the Southern Gateway to the City by the Planning Board, the treatment of the development as viewed from the Maine Turnpike was a key component of the local review process. Granite retaining walls were selected to serve as the focal point for the Turnpike view and enhanced by the addition of cedar fencing to screen loading areas, architectural upgrades to the rear of the structures, and landscaped berms to provide screening and relief.
Client: New England Development
Services Provided:
• Feasibility Study
• Master Plan Preparation
• Site Design
• Stormwater Quantity Control Design
• Stormwater Quality Design
• Grading and Drainage Design
• Traffic Impact and Management Studies
• Roadway Design
• Traffic Signal Design
• Multi-Use Trail Design
• Local, State and Federal Permitting
• Construction Observation Lynnhaven Mall Phase 1 – Virginia Beach, Virginia
The first phase of the Mall refresh, concentrated in the food court and restroom areas, included removal of the 2nd floor food-court, which had become outdated, and the addition of 12,000 sf of state-of-the-art food court space. The expansion provides a new entrance to the Mall providing an improved link to one of the Mall’s Entertainment Components; AMC Theater, as well as providing a new signature entrance with expansive glass. Relocation of existing utility and stormwater infrastructure was required to allow the new construction. New utility services and grease traps were designed to fit within the already congested underground utilities. As requested by the local permitting authority, Filterra treatment units, a biofiltration system optimized for high volume and pollutant removal, were designed to provide water quality treatment.
Client: GGP (General Growth Properties)
Services Provided:
• Land Development Design
• Utility Design
• Stormwater Design
• Permitting
• Construction Observations
Epping Crossing - Epping, New Hampshire
Gorrill Palmer prepared the design and permit applications for the development of a 410,000 s.f. power center located adjacent to Interstate 101, a busy NH thoroughfare. Formerly a brick yard dating back to the 1800’s, this site had been often considered for development but the challenges of wetlands, access limitations and costs of off-site improvements had stymied prior efforts.
Working with W/S Development and New Hampshire Soil Consultants, a development program was developed that maximized the use of upland pods. By utilizing pods, wetland impacts were reduced from more than 10 acres in former development scenarios to approximately 6 acres. These development pods included a Super WalMart as well as a Lowe’s which are impressive in footprint.
Frontage along Route 125 was at a premium. Development of an overall off-site improvement plan that allowed smaller retail space to have visibility while aligning the site entrance with a relocated access for a competing property on the opposite side of Route 125 resulted in a compromise that resulted in improved access along the corridor, and allowed for phased improvements promoting future growth.
Client: WS Development
Services Provided:
• Feasibility Study
• Master Plan Preparation
• Site Design
• Utility Design
• Traffic Analysis and Design
• Stormwater Quantity Control Design
• Stormwater Quality Design
• Roadway Design
• Traffic Signal Design
• Grading and Drainage Design
• Erosion Control Design
• Local, State and Federal Permitting
• Construction Observations
Lafayette Crossing - North Hampton, New Hampshire
We completed the permitting and construction documents for the redevelopment of the existing North Hampton Factory Outlet Shopping Center which included five phases that were designed and constructed over a seven year period. Construction included almost 230,000 square feet of new retail space, in addition to the existing 56,000 square feet. The development, anchored by Shaw’s and Home Depot, enhanced and revitalized a failing retail strip center. The parking associated with the existing development was completely reconfigured and improved to optimize site circulation and increase the number of parking spaces to provide over 1,000 parking spaces for the center. The former parking area, which was a large open field of asphalt, was enhanced with intermediate landscaped islands and landscaped endcaps to improve aesthetics, safety and traffic circulation.
Utility improvements included a new looped 8-inch water main and substantial stormwater management and collection systems to provide detention and treatment. Sewer service to the development is provided by onsite subsurface wastewater disposal systems.
Several permits were required for each phase of the project, including local Site Plan Review from the Town of North Hampton, Site Specific Permits and Amendments from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and Traffic Permits from the New Hampshire Department of Transportation. Gorrill Palmer is familiar with navigating multiple permitting constituencies.
Client: WS Development
Services Provided:
• Site Design
• Master Plan Preparation
• Traffic Impact and Management Studies
• Roadway Design
• Traffic Signal Design
• Parking Studies
• Site Design
• Utility Design and Fire Flow Evaluation
• Stormwater Quality Control Design
• Stormwater Quality Design
• Grading and Drainage Design
• Local, State and Federal Permitting
• Construction Observations Biddeford Crossing - Biddeford Maine
Gorrill Palmer prepared the design and permit applications for the development of this 525,000 s.f. power center. The project consisted of approximately 28 separate spaces ranging in size from 5,000 s.f. to 165,000 s.f. The original tenants included Lowe’s, Target, Petsmart, Staples, TJ Maxx, Linens’n’Things, Biddeford Saco Savings, Olive Garden, Panera, TGI Fridays and Chili’s. Opened in the fall of 2006, this facility provided a new regional shopping opportunity for the residents of York County.
Opened prior to the recession, the property experienced turnover in tenants similar to other facilities across the northeast, including a decision by Lowe’s to close their store. Gorrill Palmer provided design and permitting services to Market Basket for the redevelopment of the Lowe’s space into a facility for their use, as well as an additional 17,000 sf of tenant space. With a store opening late in 2013, Market Basket has provided new opportunities for shoppers in this area, which has benefitted other tenants.
Client: New England Development and RMD Development
Services Provided:
• Land Development Design
• Traffic Analysis
• Utility Design
• Stormwater Design
• Highway Design
• Signal Design
• Permitting
• Construction Observations
WEX International Headquarters - South Portland Maine
From it’s International Headquarters in South Portland, Maine, WEX has become one of the premier providers of physical, digital and virtual payment card solutions operating out of eleven facilities on four continents. Gorrill Palmer provided site design, traffic analysis, permitting and construction phase services for this campus style professional office park nestled within the woods near the busy Maine Mall area. The inital building within the property is a four-story building providing the executive suites as well as office space that supports the global operations.
Surrounded on two sides by tributaries of Long Creek, the development of this peninsula required careful attention with respect to water quality enhancement. Long Creek is an Urban Impaired watershed, and multiple measures have been incorporated into the stormwater treatment process including: mecahnical separation, storage for base flow augmentation, soil filters and flow dispersion. Long Creek was one of the first watersheds in the Country to receive Residual Designation Authority under the Clean Water Act by the USEPA thereby requiring special consideration of water quality treatment to address watershed impairments.
Client: Bramlie Development, LLC
Services Provided:
• Master Plan Preparation
• Land Development Design
• Traffic Analysis
• Utility Design
• Stormwater Design
• Low Impact Development Design
• Roadway Design
• Signal Design
• Permitting
• Construction Observations
Spring Harbor Hospital - Westbrook, Maine
Located primarily within the City of Westbrook, but with a portion of the parking lot in Portland, the project site is in the vicinity of Exit 46 of the Maine Turnpike. The traffic analysis required close coordination with the two cities and the Maine Department of Transportation. The project required offsite improvements at the intersection of Hutchins Drive and Congress Street.
Working with the Spring Harbor staff and other team members, Gorrill Palmer’s site design reflected the needs of the various populations served by the Hospital. Separate drop-off, staff and visitor parking lots were incorporated along with service areas and secured outdoor recreational areas to meet the unique needs of the facility. Being located within 2 communities, the design had to reflect the zoning restraints of each municipality, requiring joint staff meetings to insure that the vision for the site desired by the Hospital could be met. The facility overlooks a large wetland complex that was used for stormwater quantity management after the runoff was treated in an on-site retention pond. Approval was obtained from the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and the Army Corps of Engineers to periodically flood the wetland complex to insure that it wasn’t adversely impacted by redirecting the upstream drainage area around the wetland.
Client: Maine Medical Center
Services Provided:
• Site Design
• Master Plan Preparation
• Traffic Impact and Management Studies
• Roadway Design
• Stormwater Quality Control Design
• Stormwater Quality Design
• Grading and Drainage Design
• Local, State and Federal Permitting
• Construction Observations Capital Judicial Complex - Augusta Maine
Gorrill Palmer prepared the site design, permitting, and construction documents for a 120,000 s.f. courthouse bounded by Perham, Winthrop, and Court Streets in Augusta, Maine. The courthouse, consisting of four stories over one level of restricted parking, and the public parking areas are located on three lots with a total site area of approximately 2.3 acres.
The new courthouse, parking, and infrastructure are being constructed adjacent to the existing historical Kennebec County Courthouse. A pedestrian bridge over Perham Street will connect the two buildings. The desire to link the two structures to allow continued use of the historical Superior Courtroom for ceremonies and other functions resulted in the need to have two stories of the proposed facility below grade relative to the Historic Courthouse, which provided challenges to the Design Team on the steeply sloping site with an elevation change of 37 feet.
Client: PDT Architects and Maine Governmental Facilities Authority
Services Provided:
• Land Development Design
• Traffic Analysis
• Utility Design
• Stormwater Design
• Roadway Design
• Permitting
• Construction Observations
Lynnhaven Mall Phase 1 – Virginia Beach, Virginia
The first phase of the Mall refresh, concentrated in the food court and restroom areas, included removal of the 2nd floor food-court, which had become outdated, and the addition of 12,000 sf of state-of-the-art food court space. The expansion provides a new entrance to the Mall providing an improved link to one of the Mall’s Entertainment Components; AMC Theater, as well as providing a new signature entrance with expansive glass. Relocation of existing utility and stormwater infrastructure was required to allow the new construction. New utility services and grease traps were designed to fit within the already congested underground utilities. As requested by the local permitting authority, Filterra treatment units, a biofiltration system optimized for high volume and pollutant removal, were designed to provide water quality treatment.
Client: GGP (General Growth Properties)
Services Provided:
• Land Development Design
• Utility Design
• Stormwater Design
• Permitting
• Construction Observations
South Portland Elementary Schools - South Portland, Maine
Each school had unique needs and the redevelopment of each were based on the site constraints, location within residential neighborhoods, and historical significance of the existing structure.
The Small and Kaler School projects involved complete demolition and reconstruction of the existing buildings. Small School included the incorporation of ball fields, play ground, multi-purpose courts, bus loop and parking facilities. A portion of the Small School parking area included pervious geo-pavers to meet impervious surface requirements. Kaler School included a playground, parent drop-off, bus loop and parking facilities.
Brown School and Dyer School required careful coordination in order to incorporate the existing buildings into proposed improvements for the sites. A portion of the Brown School site was located in the 100-year floodplain of an adjacent stream, which presented unique design constraints on the parking lots and vehicular access route to the project, which included a two-tier parking area. Dyer School incorporated the construction of a 400ft emergency access drive. Both the Brown and Dyer School projects included new playgrounds, bus loops, parent drop-offs and parking facilities. Redevelopment of each school included significant planning and coordination with parent committees, school department and City staff. Services for the permitting of each of the schools included the review of site layouts and configurations, utility upgrades, stormwater impact assessment, traffic analysis and preparation of opinions of probable cost. Site circulation was of particular concern on all sites due to existing site constraints and the desire to maximize separation of bus traffic, student drop-off, visitors and staff.
Client: Superintendent of Schools, South Portland
Services Provided:
• Site Design
• Master Plan Preparation
• Traffic Impact and Management Studies
• Roadway Design
• Stormwater Quality Control Design
• Stormwater Quality Design
• Grading and Drainage Design
• Local, State and Federal Permitting
• Construction Observations Granite Falls - North Yarmouth, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed the design and permitting for this 24 lot subdivision on 112 acres in North Yarmouth. This project included almost 5,000 linear feet of new subdivision road, over 3,000 linear feet of new 12 inch water main and about 2,000 linear feet of new 8 inch water main. The greatest challenge associated with this project was permitting and designing the crossing of Pratt’s Brook which is a tributary to the Cousin’s River. Pratt’s Brook is designated as a Zone A floodplain by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which means that the floodplain elevations along the brook channel were determined by approximate methods.
Gorrill Palmer developed a HEC-RAS model of the stream channel using the downstream culvert at Ledge Road as the control point. Several options for crossing the brook were analyzed with the primary design criteria being that no rise in the 100-year flood elevation upstream of the crossing point. The final design consisted of a corrugated metal arch culvert with a natural invert and a span of 25 feet, a rise of 8.54 feet and a total length of 60 feet. This culvert was constructed on concrete footings tied into bedrock. Gorrill Palmer and the developer worked closely with the Town of North Yarmouth and a local land trust (Friends of the Royal River) to conserve a natural corridor along the brook channel. Over 37 acres of the total parcel was dedicated as open space to be held and managed by the land trust and an additional 26 acres of open space was held by the homeowner’s association.
Client: Storey Brothers
Services Provided:
• Site Design
• Stormwater Design
• Stormwater Quality Control
• Permitting Presumpscot River Place - Portland Maine
Gorrill Palmer provided conceptual design and land planning services for the permitting and design of this 30 lot single family subdivision adjacent to the Presumpscot River in Portland. The 3,500 foot publicly accepted roadway, Hope Avenue, is located in a secluded area near the Portland/Falmouth town line, with proximate access to the Maine Turnpike. Challenges associated with this project included providing buildable lots on land that was constrained by steep, erodible slopes and stream setbacks on tributaries of the Presumpscot River.
Hope Avenue is the third phase of single-family houses in this area. The fourth phase, age-restricted lots, has been approved and is currently under construction on the north end of the project. In addition, Contract Zone approval has been obtained for an additional 55 age-restricted condominium units on an adjacent 24 acre parcel. Integral to the approval of the project was the Developers efforts to preserve 48 acres of land along the River working in conjunction with the Land For Maine’s Future Board and Portland Trails.
Client: Burt Wolf and Bob Adam
Services Provided:
• Master Plan Preparation
• Residential Subdivision Design
• Utility Design
• Stormwater Design
• Roadway Design
• Permitting
• Construction Observations
Maine Mall - South Portland, Maine
Gorrill Palmer completed the permitting process for the revitalization of the Maine Mall, which would have introduced an entertainment component to the Mall in the form of a stadium style theater at a former anchor location. The project proposed the construction of approximately 145,000 s.f. of structure including the theater, an expansion to one of the existing anchors, and three additional restaurants.
Located within Long Creek, an Urban Impaired Stream, the Revitalization of the Mall required careful consideration of stormwater impacts. Gorrill Palmer developed an overall strategy for stormwater treatment meeting the latest MDEP regulations for the areas to be redeveloped. Gorrill Palmer evaluated alternative means to increase landscaped area within the existing parking fields, incorporated LID techniques to treat runoff closer to its source and improve filtering, and improved pedestrian access.
A critical component of the project and its ultimate approval was the use of shared parking to allow for an overall reduction in parking based on use (retail versus entertainment versus restaurant) and time of day demand. The parking analysis included observations of parking demand as well as a theoretical evaluation of time of day demand to determine an allowable reduction in parking. Ultimately, a 5.5% reduction in parking demand was approved by the City.
Client: East Region, GGP
Services Provided:
• Master Plan Preparation
• Site Design
• Low Impact Development Design
• Stormwater Control Design
• Utility Design
• Erosion Control Design
• Local, State and Federal Permitting Nashua Landing - Epping, New Hampshire
Gorrill Palmer serves as the Site Engineer for this 595,000 s.f. facility proposed for the redevelopment of an industrial site located along the Merrimack River. New Hampshire’s first lifestyle center, the project has received all necessary local approvals and awaits final state permits.
The development consists of retail, restaurant, grocery and entertainment use(s). To take advantage of the natural topography, multi-level structures are proposed within portions of the development. The facility design includes a “main street” component know as Landing Way which is envisioned to be a pedestrian focused outdoor environment, with Landing Square being a central gathering location.
Client: New England Development/Packard Development
Services Provided:
• Stormwater Quantity Control Design
• Stormwater Quality Control
• Low Impact Development Design
• Grading and Drainage Design
• Utility Design
• Local Permitting Walgreens - Multiple Locations
Walgreen Pharmacy’s partnership with Gorrill Palmer has grown over several years. The program has included the development of eight sites. As a preferred engineering consultant for Walgreen’s expansion program in Maine, Gorrill Palmer has played a primary role in every phase of development from site selection to final construction. The firm has provided comprehensive site planning, engineering, environmental analysis, traffic studies, permitting, zoning, and construction administration services.
Services Provided:
• Site Selection Assistance
• Feasibility Study
• Site Design
• Utility Design
• Stormwater Quantity Control Design
• Grading and Drainage Design
• Local and State Permitting
• Traffic Impact and Management Study
• Trip Generation Study
• Roadway Design
• Construction Observations