Portland Infrastructure Improvements Underway

If you are traveling around the City of Portland this summer, you will likely encounter some of our work. The State Street project is the largest sewer separation project that we have designed for the City of Portland.

The primary goal of the project is to separate storm drainage from the combined Almshouse Sewer that runs down Marginal Way to an overflow structure at the Preble Street intersection and reduce the frequency and volume of combined sewer overflows to Back Cove.

This project includes the construction of approximately 7,500 linear feet of new storm drain pipe, approximately 2,100 linear feet of replacement sanitary sewer, approximately 1,100 linear feet of renewed water main, pervious pavement in the Deering Oaks parking lot and improved pedestrian curb ramps and crossings on State Street intersections with Deering Oaks Park, Park Avenue, Grant Street, Sherman Street and Cumberland Avenue. The storm drain infrastructure includes about 1,000 linear feet of new 84-inch diameter pipe from the new Back Cove outfall to the Deering Oaks parking lot.

The winning construction bid for this project from Sargent Corporation totaled approximately $7.6 million. Gorrill Palmer is also completing full time construction inspection on the project.  Read a current article by clicking here.