Gorrill Palmer was recently named as one of the 2022 Best Places to Work in Maine. The awards program was created in 2006 and is a project of the Society for Human Resource Management – Maine State Council (MESHRM) and Best Companies Group. Partners endorsing the program include: Mainebiz, the Maine State Chamber of Commerce and Maine HR Convention.
This statewide survey and awards program was designed to identify, recognize and honor the best places of employment in Maine, benefiting the state’s economy, its workforce and businesses. The 2022 Best Places to Work in Maine list is made up of 100 companies in three size categories: 34 small winners (15-49 U.S. employees), 45 medium winners (50-249 U.S. employees) and 21 large winners (250+ U.S. employees).
Gorrill Palmer will be recognized in the October 17th edition of Mainebiz, where the rankings will be revealed for the first time.