Gorrill Palmer Contends for MaineDOT General Consultant Agreements (GCA) Across Multiple Service Lines

MAINE DOT 2Gorrill Palmer submitted a lengthy qualifications package to MaineDOT in response to their request for qualifications for the award of General Consultant Agreements (GCAs).  In submitting the qualifications package, Gorrill Palmer hopes to become either Pre-Qualified or receive a GCA in several service lines such as Highway Design, Traffic Analysis, Landscape Architecture and Bridge Design (Large Culverts).

Preparation of the qualifications package was led by Don Ettinger, Vice President and Principal Partner at Gorrill Palmer. Don was assisted by Lauren Meek, Randy Dunton and Brandon Havu from the Transportation Group and they were responsible for the overall production of the package, with the support and collaboration of other staff across disciplines. The entire Gorrill Palmer team acknowledges Don, Lauren, Randy and Brandon for their efforts in producing such a high quality, competitive package, while continuing to effectively meet their other project demands. MaineDOT’s review process will take several months.